Moving from Outrage to Action

Moving from Outrage to Action

Preventing Rape- Moving from Outrage to Action

I am sure that many of you, like are feeling anger, sorrow, helplessness and even cynicism after reading and hearing about the recent cases of brutal rape perpetrated on yet another ‘Daughter of India.’ Just as I was getting numb to the case of the young doctor in Hyderabad, I hear about a six year old raped and murdered in Jaipur.

It just goes on. We just carry on. We feel helpless. We pray such a thing will never happen to us or our loved ones.

But it will happen again and again.

It is time to move from outrage to Action.

As Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good ‘men’ to do nothing. The good men and women have noble intentions- they talk, they walk in protest but it is time to move past that to action.  I have said and I have heard many people say ‘The government should do something’, The police should do something. The courts need to do something.’

The most insidious strategy adopted by those in power to retain this power is to make other believe in their  powerlessness.

We need to change that. We don’t have to be an activist. But Action has to happen at both the Individual and Institutional Levels.

There are things we all can do on a daily basis without too much effort or time that will in some way enable girls to feel stronger, men to feel more compassionate and create some change in the mind set of both.

Here are some of the things we CAN do in our role as a parent, an employer, a citizen, a  neighbour or teacher.

  1. Learn self defence -Enrol your daughter in a karate class. Join a self- defence class- Kick boxing, Judo. I know that lots of little boys who are learning this. Why not get the girls too? Getting strong and confident is just as important as looking good.

I started strength training last month with an instructor. I may not lose weight but hope that I will become stronger.

  1. Tell a different bedtime story to your child. Too many fairy tales and folk tales reinforce the notion that girls are weak and need to be protected. Add a twist to the tale. Red Riding Hood takes an axe to the wolf herself! Sleeping Beauty gets up on her own and makes up with Maleficent! Cinderella and her step- sisters join hands and start an NGO for helping domestic workers! Sita defeats Ravana even before he takes her to Lanka. Stories of Rani LaximiBai and Razia Sultana.

Get your kids friends together on the birthday party and tell them all such stories.

  1. 3. Have a talk with your sons and daughters. Tell them that it is important to call out instances of disrespect to people, disengage from activities that promote gender discrimination, stop giving derogatory gender based nicknames to teachers, post negative comments on social media. Become aware of your own language.
  2. Support a cause in favour of women’s empowerment. Give some money, volunteer your help at an NGO that does this. Tell people that you have done this. Inspire Others.

My family’s non profit My Daughter is Precious provides scholarships and mentoring to less privileged girls to complete their college education and become economically independent. It is a small way to make women strong and self- reliant.

  1. Go to the nearest police station and ask for details of rape cases that have been solved, unsolved, awaiting resolution. File and RTI. Write and talk about your experience. Put some pressure for early resolution.
  2. Start a Twitter account or Face book group – #What I did to prevent rape or #I can stop rape. Get your followers and friends to post what each person did.
  3. Talk to your local MLA/MP/ Municipal Authority. Ask them what they have done to make your locality safe for women. Get at least 20 people to join you in this campaign. It could be just getting street lights to work, shifting a liquor vendor away from a residential area, getting regular police patrol.
  4. Help a woman get a job or find a way to earn a decent income. Economic power and independence is a great source of confidence.
  5. Start a Reward and Recognise Campaign– Record and share instances where men and women have stepped up or spoken out against rape, abuse and discrimination. Do this at the workplace, neighbourhood, school/college. We need stories of success and positive change.
  6. 10. Enable a Gender Sensitisation Workshop in your organization or communit Get an organization that does this work to talk to your colleagues or neighbours. Talk about the power of the law to women and men.

Research and common sense show that peer pressure or the Principle of Conformity is one of the most powerful ways to influence a change. If you have done something good, tell other people. It is not boasting or showing off. It is a way to encourage and inspire others.

It is easy to get cynical and lazy. We do it everyday. It takes guts to step out and do something. A single person can start a revolution. Many people are already doing this. We can too. I truly believe that an individual action can make a difference.

Pick one or two from the list. Add your own.  Make a difference.

This article first appeared in


Nirupama Subramanian
Nirupama Subramanian

Nirupama Subramanian is a Consultant, Facilitator and Coach in the area of Leadership Development, Change Management and Personal Transformation with over 25 years of work experience. She is committed to helping people discover their potential and lead their lives with passion and purpose. She focuses on ensuring Personal Growth along with Business Impact through customized interventions for organizations.

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